Tuesday 4 August 2015

Things I love about Disney

Hello People of the Internet,

Recently I watched a video by one of my favorite You-tuber'S, Itswaypastmybedtime aka Carrie Hope Fletcher called Why I love Disney

(I'll put the video at the end of the video so you can watch it).

And i thought,well hey why not try and do the same thing,minus the camera and the cute 'Joy' mug she had with her.I really need one of those by the way.

Now before we start I guess i have to say a few things.I LOVE Disney. I love it so much that it has come to the extent where I will not watch a movie unless its from either Disney or Pixar or if its based on a book/comic.The obsession started I think around when I was a kid and I watched Aladdin.In my memory it was the first ever Disney film that I watched and I loved it soon much.

I had Jasmine sunglasses,I made my parents drag the rug in our living with me sitting on it so I could pretend I was having a magic carpet ride,I sang A Whole New World constantly till the extent where my mum hid the DVD so i would shut the hell up.

You get the picture.

Another thing I loved about Disney was the animals,mainly the animal based movies like The Lion King, The Fox and The Hound,101 Dalmatians etc etc. I found them so cute and adorable and I just went crazy getting all the stuffed animals and stuff.Plus I am a big animal lover so the fact that they had cool not too cheesy animal protagonists made me really happy .

So I guess to conclude the following points are why I love Disney:

∞ Proof that after every storm there is a rainbow i.e no matter how much you suffer you will always have a happy ending
∞ Animals are given such importance and they show us that not only humans but even animals have feeling and we shouldn't hurt them.

∞ It doesn't matter if your visit or if you're weird.They celebrate the uniqueness of people and animals alike and encourage us to stand out.

At the moment thats all I can think about, comment below  why you loves Disney.


The video:

Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Leaf Of Life

In life I feel many things go unappreciated.Food,weather,feelings.Insignificant things.
But still Beautiful
Right now I am going to take one of those insignificant things give it life. After reading,its your choice to continue living in ignorance or to embrace its beauty with me.
Shall I start??

Autumn Leaves

Pick up any leaf during this season,go ahead do it.Now look at it closely.It's changed color(obviously),it's a bit damaged,probably damp from last nights rain even a bit muddy.Some of you will throw it away,others might take it home and preserve it.Either way it will end up in the gutter the next day,probably because your mum made you throw it away.Now the leaf is either floating in the water with no real purpose or it is in a compost bin,helping grow trees and veggies.

That my friend is the way of life.

You and every person around you grows up the same way, from the same soil and has family to keep it grounded.Once you are older you begin to change,you aren the same kid who used to watch Clifford and play with toys.You are different,mature and strong.Then you leave home and you get into the big bad world.People will walk all over you,they will neglect you and they will take you for granted.One day someone will realize your uniqueness,they will preserve it and help it shine.But then again they will let you go as well.

Now you can either give up,fall in the burden of all your pain and misery and float through the rest of your life aimlessly or man up, grow from all the pain ,arm yourself and help others.

It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done all that matters is living a life with no regrets, life with purpose to not only yourself but others.I'm just a kid myself I literally turned 14 five days ago,but the truth is unless you understand this sooner you are going to forget that life isn't about pleasing others , its about doing and living the life you want and making the most of it.

Carpe diem my loves

Sunday 31 May 2015

Welcome to America 🇺🇸

Hello people of the Internet !

It's been long I know,frankly it's been a while since I was on here as well. Why you ask?  Well as you can probably tell from my last post. I have moved to America,Texas to be exact. The whole experience was tiring and amazing at the same time. I also got into some trouble with immigration and spent one whole week trying to get an exit permit. Making me go to the BOI ( Bureau of Immigration ) , met the deputy commissioner of police and slept of a tape covered couch. 

Don't ask.

In the flight ? I ate so much food watched 4 episodes of the mentalist , 6 episodes of Jessie and shake it up, cried watching mocking jay part 1 ( Peeta😖) and watched Peter Pan and Robin Hood . After getting of the god damn plain and desperately searching Houston airport for a bathroom I was finally reunited with my grumpy dad who I love.

But due to jet lag there is only one thing to express my feelings.

I have been here ( Sugarland, Texas) for nearly I guess... One week and I have observed a few things. All Americans reading this please don't be offended ;
. Stuff here is expensive
. It is extremely quiet
. People like dancing in public 

I also learned that Barnes and Noble is freaking book lover heaven. It's soooooooo tempting and sooooooooo expensive. I used to buy 5 books a trip back in India and here I ai t even got money for 1 !  But I did buy Eleanor and Park which was amazing !! Oh and you can get any kind of fandom merchandise here. Like I was in JCpenney yesterday and I saw freaking Harry Potter socks,you know with all the houses on the socks but my dad did'nt let me buy it 😣

Anyways is also so quiet here! In India we lived i. An apartment and I used to turn up my music loud and dance around and scream my lungs out on the terrace singing shitty parodies with my friends. But if I did that here? I would probably get arrested.

I also found out that you have to pay for Netflix ! I know it's stupid but I used to think Netflix was free around here !! Now we have to pay $8 a month, but it's worth it  , you know cause I can watch Once upon a time anytime I want. Huh I love Snow White ...

 She pwetty.

Anyways that's pretty much it, comment below your awkward moments while being in a new place and how to adjust to it.


Saturday 25 April 2015

Heart-to-Heart With My Internet Friends :P

Hello People Of the Internet

So I'm sorry for not being around lately,I sorta thought no one bothered about this blog but then I got a follower and I was sooo excited, Thanks Ava,sorry I'm late on responding but here's a cookie for being my first follower.

Damn that looks good. Sorry side tracked.I am incredibly sorry for not being online a lot but so much has happened this past month.
  • I joined the Once upon a time fandom
  • Zayn left One Direction and broke the internet
  • Niall got a new girlfriend which killed me
  • I fell for Shawn Mendes and his voice and Handwritten
  • I am moving to America

Yeah I know SURPRISE!! I am moving to Houston,Texas which is weird and creepy and amazing and scary.Honestly I love India ,I love the heat, the culture,the festivals,even the street food which gives you diarrhea sometimes.

I basically grew up here even though I was born in America. Frankly I know more states here than I do there,and I also know more about fitting in here than there.I'll also miss my friends,relatives,crappy Bollywood movies,and those lame actors.I will miss the food as well. Man I love pav Bhaji. Don't know what that is?? Look below :P

I will miss so many things but the thing I am most afraid of is the people there.What if they don't like me?What if they think I am creepy and weird?What if they make fun of my psoriasis , its not normal psoriasis,Its like little black dots on my hands and legs.Oh god I have to wear shorts for volleyball there.I AM BLOODY FREAKING OUT!! 

Anyways I am sorry this blogpost was weird or boring.I promise I will get tot the fangirl stuff on the next post.


Tuesday 10 March 2015

Study tips and tricks part 1

Hello Internet!

So if your a teenager like me, you hate exams. Well unless you one of those child prodigies or whatever.But I think a large number of the adolescent population hates examinations. 
And since my finals are currently going on here are some tips and tricks I have learnt in the past 13 years of my life.

Number 1) Pay attention in class

Now I am a complete daydreamer. I dream when my eyes are closed, when they are open, when they are staring at the back of someone's head in the class, around the clock 24/7. As a result I rarely pay attention. Back in fourth grade there was this really easy lesson in science which I didn't even understand just because I didn't pay attention cause the teacher was actually giving extra information and tips and stuff, while I was dreaming about the next episode of Wizards of Waverly Place.

Also if you pay attention in class you can go home and watch more T.V cause you already listened and don't have a problem recollecting. So think about it like this.

Listening in class= More time to stare at Dylan O Brian's face. 

Number 2) Take running notes

This is one of the biggest study tips I can give you cause this has legit helped me pass till this very day and maintain my grades. Taking notes is the most easy way to learn anything and everything, mostly because you write it and even while your writing you kind of register stuff in your head. You also can make little acronyms and abbreviations while writing to save time if your a slow writer. You don't even have to worry about scribbling cause as long as you understand it, it's fine.

Number 3) Manage your time.

Do not leave anything to the last minute, whether it's homework, or washing the dishes or even if it's checking your inbox. I swear if I was smart enough in managing my time I wouldn't currently be stressing about math ! Study a little everyday, so that even if you end studying the day before you know something and won't completely fail.

Number 4 ) Keep distractions at bay

During your finals try not to get involved in anything social, like Facebook, Twitter, Parties, YouTube,Tumblr basically everything you love. And I know, I know it is extremely difficult. Even when I study, and take a break I am always on Wattpad or Quotev checking out fanfiction and random stuff or browsing through youtube laughing my butt off watching Superwoman. 

I have a problem.

During this time try to not use that stuff Atleast while you studying, those posts will always be there and you will always be able to laugh at them after your done.

So that's pretty much it, I hope you guys found this useful, or helpful. All the gest for you final


Thursday 5 March 2015

Parody | Do You Wanna Build A Snowman

Hello People of The Internet , 
So do you guyz ever have that moment when the sky looks so amazing, or the way your desk looks is perfect Tumblr photography material and you just want to take a pic but oh snap , you ain't gotta camera . 

What do you do??!?!?! 

I'll tell you what to do....


Introducing, I wish I had a camera , TheVintageWriter's first ever Parody... 

I wish I had a camera,

So I could take a picture
Oh it would be so much fun
A picture of the sun
& sky & sea all day !

Oh it would be the best picture 

For the world to see
And we'd be famous world wide!!!

I wish I had a camera,

I wish I had a camera.

Go away (Your name) 

Okay bye..

Do you wanna take a picture?
So we could hang it on these walls.

I need the perfect view,
The right color hue,
and absolutely no flaws .

It feels so stupid

sitting on this wall,
Watching the birds fly by.

I wish I had a camera...

I wish I had a camera.

Camera, please I know your in there

My mum's asking me where I've been
I started stealing money now, 
I'm getting desperate now. 
Just let me in.
We only have each other ,
 all these empty frames,
What am I going to do...

I wish I had you camera ,

I wish I had you camera

Compose by TheVintageWriter & Polymer(not her real name :P)

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Hello Internet

Hello People of the Internet! 

TheVintageWriter here , I put that name for three reasons 

  • I love vintage stuff (i.e flapper hats, typewriters etc)
  • I love writing
  • It was the first thing that popped into my head 
Very professional , I know. 

There are many reasons why I created this blog but I'm not going to bore you with all that stuff just the main reason. 

I love writing.
Ever since I was 7 I wrote in my diary ( which sadly ended after 2 years :p ) , I wrote short stories, attempted novels, keyword, attempted. I write on fan fiction websites at times and also sometimes for magazines. 

One day a random person ( my mum) gave me an idea to start blogging , and I thought, well it beats watching T.V on Saturdays, not like that's all i used to do  -_-  .... Anyway after months of consideration, assumption and concentration I have come to the declaration of writing a blog (That was a lot of big words , I know ) .

Basically I am going to be writings a lot of ramblings on life as a teen, books, my assorted range of fandoms , food , music, celebrities and maybe even boys . Anyways thats all for ma first ever blog post .

I should celebrate with ice cream....


BYE !!!!!
xoxo Vintagewriter xoxo