Tuesday 10 March 2015

Study tips and tricks part 1

Hello Internet!

So if your a teenager like me, you hate exams. Well unless you one of those child prodigies or whatever.But I think a large number of the adolescent population hates examinations. 
And since my finals are currently going on here are some tips and tricks I have learnt in the past 13 years of my life.

Number 1) Pay attention in class

Now I am a complete daydreamer. I dream when my eyes are closed, when they are open, when they are staring at the back of someone's head in the class, around the clock 24/7. As a result I rarely pay attention. Back in fourth grade there was this really easy lesson in science which I didn't even understand just because I didn't pay attention cause the teacher was actually giving extra information and tips and stuff, while I was dreaming about the next episode of Wizards of Waverly Place.

Also if you pay attention in class you can go home and watch more T.V cause you already listened and don't have a problem recollecting. So think about it like this.

Listening in class= More time to stare at Dylan O Brian's face. 

Number 2) Take running notes

This is one of the biggest study tips I can give you cause this has legit helped me pass till this very day and maintain my grades. Taking notes is the most easy way to learn anything and everything, mostly because you write it and even while your writing you kind of register stuff in your head. You also can make little acronyms and abbreviations while writing to save time if your a slow writer. You don't even have to worry about scribbling cause as long as you understand it, it's fine.

Number 3) Manage your time.

Do not leave anything to the last minute, whether it's homework, or washing the dishes or even if it's checking your inbox. I swear if I was smart enough in managing my time I wouldn't currently be stressing about math ! Study a little everyday, so that even if you end studying the day before you know something and won't completely fail.

Number 4 ) Keep distractions at bay

During your finals try not to get involved in anything social, like Facebook, Twitter, Parties, YouTube,Tumblr basically everything you love. And I know, I know it is extremely difficult. Even when I study, and take a break I am always on Wattpad or Quotev checking out fanfiction and random stuff or browsing through youtube laughing my butt off watching Superwoman. 

I have a problem.

During this time try to not use that stuff Atleast while you studying, those posts will always be there and you will always be able to laugh at them after your done.

So that's pretty much it, I hope you guys found this useful, or helpful. All the gest for you final


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