Thursday 5 March 2015

Parody | Do You Wanna Build A Snowman

Hello People of The Internet , 
So do you guyz ever have that moment when the sky looks so amazing, or the way your desk looks is perfect Tumblr photography material and you just want to take a pic but oh snap , you ain't gotta camera . 

What do you do??!?!?! 

I'll tell you what to do....


Introducing, I wish I had a camera , TheVintageWriter's first ever Parody... 

I wish I had a camera,

So I could take a picture
Oh it would be so much fun
A picture of the sun
& sky & sea all day !

Oh it would be the best picture 

For the world to see
And we'd be famous world wide!!!

I wish I had a camera,

I wish I had a camera.

Go away (Your name) 

Okay bye..

Do you wanna take a picture?
So we could hang it on these walls.

I need the perfect view,
The right color hue,
and absolutely no flaws .

It feels so stupid

sitting on this wall,
Watching the birds fly by.

I wish I had a camera...

I wish I had a camera.

Camera, please I know your in there

My mum's asking me where I've been
I started stealing money now, 
I'm getting desperate now. 
Just let me in.
We only have each other ,
 all these empty frames,
What am I going to do...

I wish I had you camera ,

I wish I had you camera

Compose by TheVintageWriter & Polymer(not her real name :P)

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