Tuesday 27 January 2015

Hello Internet

Hello People of the Internet! 

TheVintageWriter here , I put that name for three reasons 

  • I love vintage stuff (i.e flapper hats, typewriters etc)
  • I love writing
  • It was the first thing that popped into my head 
Very professional , I know. 

There are many reasons why I created this blog but I'm not going to bore you with all that stuff just the main reason. 

I love writing.
Ever since I was 7 I wrote in my diary ( which sadly ended after 2 years :p ) , I wrote short stories, attempted novels, keyword, attempted. I write on fan fiction websites at times and also sometimes for magazines. 

One day a random person ( my mum) gave me an idea to start blogging , and I thought, well it beats watching T.V on Saturdays, not like that's all i used to do  -_-  .... Anyway after months of consideration, assumption and concentration I have come to the declaration of writing a blog (That was a lot of big words , I know ) .

Basically I am going to be writings a lot of ramblings on life as a teen, books, my assorted range of fandoms , food , music, celebrities and maybe even boys . Anyways thats all for ma first ever blog post .

I should celebrate with ice cream....


BYE !!!!!
xoxo Vintagewriter xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Just found out about your Blog and I'm really happy that I did, You might just have earned a new reader! I will really look forward to your new blogposts...

    btw my blog is http://typcalteen.blogspot.in/

    Love, Ava!
