Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Leaf Of Life

In life I feel many things go unappreciated.Food,weather,feelings.Insignificant things.
But still Beautiful
Right now I am going to take one of those insignificant things give it life. After reading,its your choice to continue living in ignorance or to embrace its beauty with me.
Shall I start??

Autumn Leaves

Pick up any leaf during this season,go ahead do it.Now look at it closely.It's changed color(obviously),it's a bit damaged,probably damp from last nights rain even a bit muddy.Some of you will throw it away,others might take it home and preserve it.Either way it will end up in the gutter the next day,probably because your mum made you throw it away.Now the leaf is either floating in the water with no real purpose or it is in a compost bin,helping grow trees and veggies.

That my friend is the way of life.

You and every person around you grows up the same way, from the same soil and has family to keep it grounded.Once you are older you begin to change,you aren the same kid who used to watch Clifford and play with toys.You are different,mature and strong.Then you leave home and you get into the big bad world.People will walk all over you,they will neglect you and they will take you for granted.One day someone will realize your uniqueness,they will preserve it and help it shine.But then again they will let you go as well.

Now you can either give up,fall in the burden of all your pain and misery and float through the rest of your life aimlessly or man up, grow from all the pain ,arm yourself and help others.

It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done all that matters is living a life with no regrets, life with purpose to not only yourself but others.I'm just a kid myself I literally turned 14 five days ago,but the truth is unless you understand this sooner you are going to forget that life isn't about pleasing others , its about doing and living the life you want and making the most of it.

Carpe diem my loves

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