Tuesday 4 August 2015

Things I love about Disney

Hello People of the Internet,

Recently I watched a video by one of my favorite You-tuber'S, Itswaypastmybedtime aka Carrie Hope Fletcher called Why I love Disney

(I'll put the video at the end of the video so you can watch it).

And i thought,well hey why not try and do the same thing,minus the camera and the cute 'Joy' mug she had with her.I really need one of those by the way.

Now before we start I guess i have to say a few things.I LOVE Disney. I love it so much that it has come to the extent where I will not watch a movie unless its from either Disney or Pixar or if its based on a book/comic.The obsession started I think around when I was a kid and I watched Aladdin.In my memory it was the first ever Disney film that I watched and I loved it soon much.

I had Jasmine sunglasses,I made my parents drag the rug in our living with me sitting on it so I could pretend I was having a magic carpet ride,I sang A Whole New World constantly till the extent where my mum hid the DVD so i would shut the hell up.

You get the picture.

Another thing I loved about Disney was the animals,mainly the animal based movies like The Lion King, The Fox and The Hound,101 Dalmatians etc etc. I found them so cute and adorable and I just went crazy getting all the stuffed animals and stuff.Plus I am a big animal lover so the fact that they had cool not too cheesy animal protagonists made me really happy .

So I guess to conclude the following points are why I love Disney:

∞ Proof that after every storm there is a rainbow i.e no matter how much you suffer you will always have a happy ending
∞ Animals are given such importance and they show us that not only humans but even animals have feeling and we shouldn't hurt them.

∞ It doesn't matter if your visit or if you're weird.They celebrate the uniqueness of people and animals alike and encourage us to stand out.

At the moment thats all I can think about, comment below  why you loves Disney.


The video: