Sunday 31 May 2015

Welcome to America 🇺🇸

Hello people of the Internet !

It's been long I know,frankly it's been a while since I was on here as well. Why you ask?  Well as you can probably tell from my last post. I have moved to America,Texas to be exact. The whole experience was tiring and amazing at the same time. I also got into some trouble with immigration and spent one whole week trying to get an exit permit. Making me go to the BOI ( Bureau of Immigration ) , met the deputy commissioner of police and slept of a tape covered couch. 

Don't ask.

In the flight ? I ate so much food watched 4 episodes of the mentalist , 6 episodes of Jessie and shake it up, cried watching mocking jay part 1 ( Peeta😖) and watched Peter Pan and Robin Hood . After getting of the god damn plain and desperately searching Houston airport for a bathroom I was finally reunited with my grumpy dad who I love.

But due to jet lag there is only one thing to express my feelings.

I have been here ( Sugarland, Texas) for nearly I guess... One week and I have observed a few things. All Americans reading this please don't be offended ;
. Stuff here is expensive
. It is extremely quiet
. People like dancing in public 

I also learned that Barnes and Noble is freaking book lover heaven. It's soooooooo tempting and sooooooooo expensive. I used to buy 5 books a trip back in India and here I ai t even got money for 1 !  But I did buy Eleanor and Park which was amazing !! Oh and you can get any kind of fandom merchandise here. Like I was in JCpenney yesterday and I saw freaking Harry Potter socks,you know with all the houses on the socks but my dad did'nt let me buy it 😣

Anyways is also so quiet here! In India we lived i. An apartment and I used to turn up my music loud and dance around and scream my lungs out on the terrace singing shitty parodies with my friends. But if I did that here? I would probably get arrested.

I also found out that you have to pay for Netflix ! I know it's stupid but I used to think Netflix was free around here !! Now we have to pay $8 a month, but it's worth it  , you know cause I can watch Once upon a time anytime I want. Huh I love Snow White ...

 She pwetty.

Anyways that's pretty much it, comment below your awkward moments while being in a new place and how to adjust to it.
